Does Casual = Unprofessional?

by | Happy Hour Blog: Leadership For Women | 0 comments

Yesterday on a airplane, the pilot came on for an announcement. Not the regular ones that you can predict about the typical welcome, flight time, or destination weather, but something about something – I think it was a little upcoming turbulence. Funny thing was that his tone was a little lackadaisical. Maybe we was wanting to sound calm, but it came off as a bit casual. I noticed that I equated his tone to his professionalism. Sure we want him to be confident and in charge, and his tone should sound the same.

So what of people that dress casually? Does that mean they are unprofessional? Southwest Airlines has nailed the approach to casual yet professional in their flight attendant uniforms. (In case you don’t get out – they wear khaki shorts or slacks, blouse, and loafers or tenners.)

I am leading a worldwide effort to make casual still look professional. And yes, it is because I have bunions and cannot stand wearing heels anymore and strongly buck the social pressure of women having to wear heels.  We will need to counteract the lack of suits with an overwhelming emphasis on proper tone and attentive posture. Our breathable fabrics will need to be well-ironed. And the scuff-marks not so visible on the Hush Puppies. But we will be COMFORTABLE!

Hope you decide to join me 🙂