bigstock-Coach-and-Coaching-85356065Invest in some YOU time. Coaching for performance will reinforce you, give you ideas, and help you with clarity of purpose.

If you are considering coaching, start here.

Think you are ready? Keep reading… If you are not sure, then read about your coachability potential and what a session looks like by reviewing the 6 expectations of a coaching session.

Then decide if the time is right for you. Discover what coaching is by reading what a coaching session should look like. Begin the mental mindframe for what your customized coaching sessions would do for you.

You will probably end up loving the versatility of coaching in adapting to your changing needs.

How Coaching Adapts to your Development Needs

Here’s an example: you may be finding a need nowadays to develop your leadership potential by delivering compelling conversations and sending a message to others that you have self mastery. Cool. You can indeed do that with some practice. A personal success coach will find your style and your flavor, and translate that into your styles of leadership. Let’s practice it in a confidential conversation that you and I have on the phone.

What do we talk about in Coaching?

The agenda is yours. This is your time.

Wondering whether you are on-base in what you are considering coaching for? Generally, very few topics are out of bounds, but typical coaching topics are pretty inclusive.

Personal Development requires Flexibility

So here’s what I mean by flexibility: one month you may be looking at preparing for a conference in which you are asked to speak, so of course, foremost on your mind is effectiveness as a speaker.

A little nervous about it? Personal effectiveness coaching will help. Consider it practicing personal accountability, and your coach will be the one keeping you on track.

Then perhaps a couple of months later you learn something about leadership style, or how to improve business performance, or something newfangled and you’d like to be hip to that jibby? Perfect. We can adapt as we need to based on what you have shakin’ at the time.

See the attached link for a published article of leadership style and the 6 expectations of a coaching session when you want to develop a leadership style. Then, for further information on career coaching effectiveness, coaching sales effectiveness, or even business consulting effectiveness in sales, learn about the statistics of coaching in the business world. It is impressive how this form of tailored feedback has succeeded.

A Coach is there for YOU

As last note about the personal development training that you experience in coaching for performance or life coaching … wherever you are, there the coach is. Like Houdini. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

Most coaching is conducted nowadays over the phone. Sounds weird, I know, but there is more benefit to it than you may have imagined. From this perspective, personal performance coaching in Arizona is as intimate as coaching with someone around the block. Same goes for coaching in the UK, or in Canada! We can talk as if we are only a few feet apart, but we have the convenience of only needing to be near a phone – and today, we have as many phones on us as we do moles. That is pretty dang convenient.

Note, for accountability coaching for performance is a terrific bet. It has proven statistics of success.

For more conventional training, stick with us at Skirt Strategies to get updates on webinars, online tips and techniques, and other training. Sign up for mail.

Consider a recent day at work where you were focused, on-point, and effective. Your tendency to multi-task is actually working in your favor. Your leadership feels like it comes from a place of sanity and you are in the zone, like a well-controlled yo-yo. (one of those expensive ones that came back to you, and never got knotted up).

Why can’t every day be like that? What the heck is that about?

Well, it can be that way more often … it just takes some higher awareness of your personal development. Y’know, sometimes the phase of the moon just gets in the way. But one-to-one personal coaching can definitely help you get more out of your time, your leadership effectiveness, your direction.

$250 Personalized Coaching for You


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