Do you think you are alone in this?  NO NO NEVER.
Everyone must have a time when embarrassment reigns.

And where does this affect you as a leader?

When stressed or tested, we all have an internal conversation with ourselves, called our self-talk, that uncovers a belief system lurking under the surface.

“Oh what an idiot I am.
“Good God, I should not be in this position.
“They all are thinking this is not the place where a woman should be in charge.”

Whatever your self-talk may be, it is likely to be extreme when you are in a compromising position. This is a great place to test your self-management by listening to it and challenging exactly what it might be saying. True fears come out at times like these, but they are often unrealistic.

Quickly get your head straight. Compose yourself physically. And then just breathe and give it a chance. If you receive the weekly tip via email, you saw a few humor techniques for managing the situation. (Go to the home page now for the free signup).

Ahh … think clearly Grasshopper. (wink)